Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Passion for God?

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. (Jeremiah 29:13 NIV)

As I'm waiting for an answer from God on if/ when/ how I'm going to India I read this verse! It made me think about how I'm not really seeking God with all my heart. There are other things I seam to set my heart on. I want people to like me. I want to be someone's special someone. I want to have an entertaining life. I want to go off on a grand adventure. But those things get in the way of seeking God with all my heart. This may sound silly but can I expect God to show me His big plans when I'm not whole heartily following the plans He was already given me? Stuff like obeying my parents and loving my enemy and neighbor. I should be faithful in the little things before I expect God to give me big things to be faithful in. It's good to have a passion but I have to realize God wants me to be a sevent in all parts of my life. The problem is, sometimes what God has in mind for me is not something I am passionate about. In fact sometime it's hard to believe God would want me to do something different then what I'm good at. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in doing what I think God would want me to do, that I don't even see how far I have distanced myself from God. I'll think im serving God to the best of my abilities, but if I don't know and walk with God on a personal level I can't really know for sure the plans He has for me. It's hard to know God if I don't spend very much time alone with him. If most of my walk with God happens inside a church I need to take a look at my priorities and passions. While meeting with other belivers is great, being a christian happens every day of the week, not just Sundays and wednesdays. Being a christian is a life style that should effect every part of my life. If I learn to be faithful in the little things, who knows what bigger things God will use me for. I need to learn to let go of things (sometimes even good things) and let God become my passion.

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