After my sister when to Mexico on a missions trip, I started to have a desire to go somewhere, anywhere, on a mission trip. And that become my prayer, Lord just send me somewhere. Soon it seemed like everyone at my church was going on mission trips. I just kept praying for God to SEND me. What I didn’t realize is that telling people about Christ doesn’t start somewhere over seas. It starts at home. Act 1:8 says “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” To me that is saying start where God has you, THEN go farther and farther to the ends of the earth. Once I got that through my head I took a look at my life and saw that as I was waiting for the call to go somewhere, I had not been dong a good job at telling the people around me about the love of Christ. I’m still working on it, but each time I try it gets easier. I just have to remember that I am not great, but God is. He can use me even if I mess up or don’t say the right words.
I remember at a young age reading books about missionaries and heroes of our faith. My favorite was Amy Carmichael of India. But I never thought God could use me in any way like that. I mean these people had so much faith. I could never pack my things and go to a different country, I would think “I don’t know how to be a great missionary.” But it turns out that I don’t have to be great, because I serve a great God. The people I read about didn’t one day think, “I will now start to be great,” they dedicated their life to serving a great God and it was He that was great in them. It doesn’t matter that I go down in history as one of “the greats,” what does matter is that I use my life to serve the great God of the universe. Obeying God, even in the little things, brings Him glory, and that’s what I want my life to be about. Simply bringing Him glory, if that’s staying in my town forever telling people about my savor, that’s great. If that means going across the world, that awesome. It’s not important where I’m at, as long as I’m serving my great God
Ashley, you truly encourage me! Blessed and in awe of how God uses you in simple ways!